Is a second job worth it?

Is a second job worth it?

In an Uber the other day, the driver revealed that he had become a driver to pay for his second mortgage. He invested in property but with interest rates spiking, the only way he could hold onto the property was to earn additional income. His “day job” starts early...
Are you at Risk of ATO Penalties?

Are you at Risk of ATO Penalties?

The ATO has been shifting its focus on taxpayers with outstanding tax lodgments and debts recently. Fin out how to avoid being penalised at the increased penalty rates in 2023–24. Announced as part of the 2023–24 Federal budget, increased funding has been provided to...
Your dates for July & August 2023

Your dates for July & August 2023

With the start of the new tax year upon us, please do not forget about your final tax obligations for 2023. Here is a list of key tax dates for July and August 2023. For most of you, this means finalising your general ledger accounts in order to get the necessary...
Tax Strategies For Your Business in 2023

Tax Strategies For Your Business in 2023

As the current financial year draws to a close, it is time for businesses to consider thevarious tax planning options and strategies available to them. Below are examples of tax saving strategies available to small businesses: Temporary full expensing Temporary full...