Nov 17, 2023 | 2023, Superannuation, Taxation
Wondering about the ATO agent nomination process? If you are an existing client, you may not need to do anything. If you are a new client we’ll send you information about the steps required to link to us. Because you are a new client, or your existing...
Oct 19, 2023 | Superannuation
Treasury has released draft legislation to enact the Government’s plan to increase the tax rate on earnings on superannuation balances above $3m from 15% to 30% from 1 July 2025. This is the final step before the legislation is introduced into Parliament and a step...
Jul 5, 2023 | 2023, Deductions, Employers, retirement, Small Business, Superannuation, Working From Home
Recent proposed changes commenced from the 1st July this year, heralding in the new Financial Year. It’s a very mixed bag of alterations which some will be happy about and some may not. Check them out below in our featured article. If you need help with...
May 15, 2023 | Budget 23/24, Self Managed Super Funds, Small Business, Superannuation, Taxation
What will impact you in the new budget? The Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down the 2023 Federal Budget on 9 May 2023. This budget and the measures within it are designed to reduce the cost of living. The Budget also includes $3 billion to relieve energy bills,...
Apr 14, 2023 | Self Managed Super Funds, Superannuation
The role of an approved SMSF auditor is an important one. SMSF Trustees are required to appoint anapproved SMSF auditor to audit their Fund each year. What does the audit involve? The approved SMSF auditor is required to audit, not only the financial statements of the...
Feb 9, 2023 | 2023, Capital Gains Tax, retirement, Superannuation
From 1 January 2023, those 55 and over can make a ‘downsizer’ contribution to superannuation. Downsizer contributions are an excellent way to get money into superannuation quickly. And now that the age limit has reduced to 55 from 60, more people have an opportunity...