Oct 12, 2023 | 2023, Deductions, Energy Efficiency for Business
Electricity is the new black. Gas and other fossil fuels are out. A new, limited incentive nudges business towards energy efficiency. We show you how to maximise the deduction! The small business energy incentive is the latest measure providing a bonus tax deduction...
Aug 18, 2023 | Capital Gains Tax, Deductions, Investment Property, Land Tax, Taxation
You’ve got a block of land that’s perfect for a subdivision. The details have all been worked out with Council, the builders, and the bank. But, one important aspect has been left out; the tax implications. Many small-scale developers often assume that their tax...
Jul 5, 2023 | 2023, Deductions, Employers, retirement, Small Business, Superannuation, Working From Home
Recent proposed changes commenced from the 1st July this year, heralding in the new Financial Year. It’s a very mixed bag of alterations which some will be happy about and some may not. Check them out below in our featured article. If you need help with...
Mar 1, 2023 | 2023, Deductions
Taxpayers claiming deductions on holiday homes are in the ATO’s sights. The ATO is more than a little concerned that people with holiday homes are claiming more deductions than they should and have published the starting questions they will be asking to scrutinise...